Dr Rowena Banerjea, world-leading expert on soil micromorphology, has led a theoretical and practical seminar on the topic within the…
Microscopy session on soil micromorphology with UK specialist Rowena Banerjea

Dr Rowena Banerjea, world-leading expert on soil micromorphology, has led a theoretical and practical seminar on the topic within the…
Si è conclusa recentemente l’annuale campagna di studio dei materiali frutto di un ventennio di survey sulle montagne della catena…
Happy to be at Cyprus, at Larnaca, participating to the study of the UNESCO’s site Khirokitia: “an Aceramic Neolithic site…
Currently at the National Museum of Archaeology a new research is being carried out by a PhD student Alice Vassanelli…
Preliminary works has begun for the opening of Monte Frignione II excavation. The site has been excavated in the early…
A new dataset of radiocaron dates (NeoNetAtl) providing new curated radiocarbon dates for the study of the pioneer farming front…
At the UISPP World Congress, held at the West University of Timişoara in Romania, September 4-9, 2023, our colleagues Cristiana…
The lithic instruments from periods of recent prehistory, such as the Chalcolithic or the Bronze Age, have received scant attention…
Thanks to a conference between the University of Pisa, the Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces…