ADMIRE is a MOLAB project supported by E-RIHS (European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science). The project aims to develop a new analytical protocol for the study of ceramic decorations from the earliest Neolithic settlements in the Italian peninsula.

AGER: Agricultural Growth in Prehistoric Europe. An approach to technological, economic, and social change. The project, funded by the Rita Montalcini ‘Rientro dei Cervelli’ Program aims to study agricultural growth in Prehistoric Europe, from the beginning of the Neolithic to its later phases.

The MARMO project aims to enhance the knowledge, appreciation, and accessibility of prehistoric marble artifact collections from Tuscany through the application of modern analytical technologies and the use of digital cataloging and surveying systems.

MobiliTy aims to deepen the understanding of the Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic Transition in northwestern Tuscany. Particular attention is given to the techno-economic dynamics resulting from the differential exploitation of various lithotypes. The project is funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions program.