The transition between the last Mesolithic hunter-gatherers and the first agropastoral Neolithic communities is a highly debated topic in prehistoric…
PreIStorIA participates in a new research article on Gaban rockshelter

The transition between the last Mesolithic hunter-gatherers and the first agropastoral Neolithic communities is a highly debated topic in prehistoric…
The remains of a hunter-gatherer camp have been uncovered a few hundred meters from Monte Frignone. The archaeological mission of…
This week, the University of Pisa resumed excavations at Monte Frignone (Corfino, Lucca), a site with human occupations dated to…
During the “Incontri di Archeologia” (Meetings in Archaeology. Excavations and surveys of the University of Pisa in Italy and abroad)…
The conference of the working group on the Mesolithic hosted at the Natural History Museum in Vienna is about to…
On Friday, December 15, 2023, Professor Elisabetta Starnini and Dr. Jacopo Gennai have been invited to deliver seminars at the…
Today, our colleague Javier Rey, presented our work at the Fifth Conference of Archaeology and Heritage of Aragon (CAPA).…
N. Mazzucco has been invited by the colleague Claire Houmard to present a lecture within the framework of the Mesolithic-Neolithic…