Archaeological projects at Pylos
PONEX (Palace of Nestor Excavations). 2015 – present
Co-directed by Sharon Stocker and Jack Davis (2015-present), PONEX is a project by the University of Cincinnati under the auspices of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens. Within PONEX, Salvatore Vitale leads the group responsible for studying the Bronze Age ceramics.
In this project, Salvatore Vitale’s primary research interests focus on: ceramics and relative chronology; the process of forming Mycenaean cultural identity in southwestern Peloponnese; the formation of the Mycenaean state in Messenia; and the socio-political trajectories of Pylos in the pre-palatial and palatial phases of Mycenaean civilization.
PoN Roof (Palace of Nestor Roof) Project. 2013 – present
Co-directed by Dimosthenis Kosmopoulos and Aanna Karapanagiotou, the PoN Roof Project is a project of the Directorate of Antiquities of Messenia, carried out in collaboration with an American team from the University of Cincinnati, led by Sharon Stocker. Within the PoN Roof Project, Salvatore Vitale has directed and supervised the American ceramics team for the project and is responsible for publishing the Mycenaean ceramics along with other Greek and American colleagues.
Romanou. 2015 – present
Directed by Evangelia Malapani, the excavations at Romanou are a project of the Directorate of Antiquities of Messenia, carried out in collaboration with an American team from the University of Cincinnati, led by Sharon Stocker. At Romanou, Salvatore Vitale is responsible for the publication of Bronze Age ceramics along with other Greek and American colleagues.
Republication of Finds from Carl W. Blegen’s Excavations at the Palace of Nestor. 2014 – present
Directed by Sharon Stocker, this University of Cincinnati project aims to study and (re)publish the published and unpublished materials from Carl Blegen’s excavations around the Palace of Nestor. In this project, Salvatore Vitale handles the published and unpublished ceramic materials from Room 46 of the Palace, from Pedley’s Trenches 64-6 and 64-17, and from the area beneath Room 65 of the Palace.
Contact: Salvatore Vitale