The Project is carried out by a research team at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (P.I. Prof. Nikos Efstratiou) in cooperation with Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Department of Civilizations and Forms of Knowledge, University of Pisa for the study of the lithic assemblages from the surveys and excavations and the raw material sources in the Island of Lemnos. The Project revealed the presence of prehistoric sites of Palaeolithic age for the first time.
Contact: Elisabetta Starnini
Ouriakos – Fieldwork at the site of Ouriakos on Lemnos
Research outputs
N Efstratiou, P Biagi, E Starnini, D Kyriakou, A Eleftheriadou, 2022, Agia Marina and Peristereònas: Two new Epipalaeolithic sites in the Island of Lemnos (Greece), Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 41982, pp. 1-34, article number JPLA-D-22-00002R2, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s41982-022-00118-8
Biagi, P., Starnini, E. and N. Efstratiou 2015. Gunflints from Greece: a few specimens from
Lemnos, and the Pindus range of Western Macedonia, Gunflints (Occasional Newsletter New Series No 4): 2-11.
Efstratiou, N, Biagi, P and Ε. Starnini 2014. The Epipalaeolithic site of Fyssini-Ouriakos in
the island of Lemnos (Northeastern Aegean Sea, Greece) and its Place in the Late
Pleistocene Peopling of the East Mediterranean Region. Adalya XVII: 1-25.
Efstratiou, N., Biagi, P., Karkanas, P and E. Starnini 2013. Discovery of a Late Palaeolithic
Site at Ouriakos (Island of Limnos, Greece) in the north-eastern Aegean Sea.
Antiquity Project Gallery 87 (335).