The transition between the last Mesolithic hunter-gatherers and the first agropastoral Neolithic communities is a highly debated topic in prehistoric…
PreIStorIA participates in a new research article on Gaban rockshelter

The transition between the last Mesolithic hunter-gatherers and the first agropastoral Neolithic communities is a highly debated topic in prehistoric…
Pontecosi is an open-air site next to the banks of the homonymous lake near Pieve Fosciana (LU, Italy). The University…
Today, as part of the JRC initiative “Healthy Biodiversity and Sustainable Food Systems,” a short presentation by N. Mazzucco explored…
The early Neolithic site of La Marmotta is located on the shore of a lake of volcanic origin on the…
From August 28 to 31, the University of Rome La Sapienza hosted the 30th annual meeting of the European Association…
The remains of a hunter-gatherer camp have been uncovered a few hundred meters from Monte Frignone. The archaeological mission of…