On July 24, 2024, a study day was held at the Civic Archaeological Museum of Camaiore (LU) to review the progress of archaeological and paleoenvironmental research in the surrounding area. The Prehistory Department of the University of Pisa participated with several members (Prof. Elisabetta Starnini, Dr. Jacopo Gennai, Dr. Jacopo Conforti, M.A. Alice Vassanelli). In particular, they highlighted new research on Neanderthal habitation in the Apuo-Versilian area, the mobility and settlement system of the Late Epigravettian, and the Eneolithic ornaments from the funerary context of Buca del Corno. The day proved to be fruitful for forging new scientific collaborations, strengthening existing ones, and communicating preliminary results to a broad audience (citizens and stakeholders). Special thanks go to the museum’s director, Dr. Marzia Bonato, and the staff for organizing the event.