On the 17th of April, the first presentation of the new prehistoric female figurines collection of the University of Pisa was held. The event was a pre-viewing of a subset of Paleolithic figurines of the newly donated Pazzi collection. Jacopo Gennai, with the help of the University of Pisa Prehistoric Archaeology team, illustrated briefly theories and interpretations about prehistoric figurines, especially those representing females, and put them in the framework of European Palaeolithic societies. Furthermore, the donor, Mr. Pablo Pazzi, intervened and illustrated the reasons behind the collection. A new appointment on the 15th of May, curated by Prof. Elisabetta Starnini, will illustrate the rest of the non-Palaeolithic figurines (info at La Gipsoteca si arricchisce di una importante collezione – Gipsoteca di Arte Antica (unipi.it)). We are grateful to Pablo Pazzi, who has generously donated his collection to the public, to Alessandro Neri for the brokerage, to Prof. Anna Anguissola and the Collection of Plaster Casts and Antiquities team for the organisation of the event, and to the public who attended the event.